I am running a G60 front axle in my Trials/Club Class Winch Challenge Truck and have hit a wall.
I had only one spare CV for the axle, and now its in the truck, so i don't have a spare anymore.
I have been doing some investigating, and it sounds like you can swap the MK/MQ CV's, and swivel housings onto the G60 axle.
Can anyone confirm that it can be done before i go stripping stuff apart???
Apparently you can pull the G60 Cv's of the G60 axle shafts, and fit the MK/MQ cv's onto the them, and then fit the MK/MQ swivel housings onto the G60 axle.
I have already made a disc brake set up for the g60 axle, so the only reason i would be doing this is for the availability of CV joints, as i can't find any G60 one's anywhere over here in NZ!!!!!
This is the truck, its home built, with its appearence based on an MB Jeep

Also runing the G60 Transfercase on the back of a THM400 trans cause its fawkin strong