G'day Guy's,
Work and life keeps me away from the boards these days so sorry if you have all missed me

Workload is freeing up a bit now I am back in sydney so hopefully I'll be online a bit more in the future.
you need to sign up and be approved by scott (MIB) or me (ozzuzu). We have knocked back a few applicants of late due to sus email addresses. Email me direct to let me know whjen you have doone it and I'll approve it straight away.
We are not as active these day's that is true, but we don't seem to get as many Q's as we once did. I'd like to see it like it used to be. Jeez, we even hads regular chat room sessions.
I notice you are up in newcastle. You should join up with us next time we do a run at Freemans or the Watagans.
Who did you speak with at Kaos? I know them well and cannot understand them not wantting to help.
They are Calmini importers, but we do have all the info you need to lift it up. There are a number of options you can look at and time over I would have gone the same way scott did with his.
BTW, There is also a local Jeep club (I'm ex VP) that'll take you into the fold, even though you own a fronterra. We have three members that still own them (CJ and Steve Rigney and Max) so at least you'll be in good company.
BTW, the web sites at