14kms later I am losing power to the point where it cuts out, pull over to the side of the road and hear a sort of "exploding noise"as I come to a stop. Get out and have a look at the rear diff and its got a bit of smoke coming off it with what appears to be oil everywhere. Pop the bonnet and notice what looks like a bomb has gone off against the drivers side chassis rail and what appears to be diesel or oil all over there all towards the back of the ute.
Throw her on a horribly overpriced tow truck, after removing my wallet from my ass to prevent the tow truck driver extorting more money out of me, try to remove the vehicle off the tow truck.
No go.
She will move forward, but not backward.
I dont "think" its the engine as it still seems to turn over but not fire (doesnt help main battery carked it earlier in the day), but I've been told it might be a injector line or possibly the injector pump deciding it didnt like life and wanted to join an emo rock band and sing about the despairs of pumping diesel day in day out without any appreciation........
So whats the mechanics of Outers opinions?
First time I've actually driven the damn thing since purchase too which makes it all the sweeter........