The question I ask is: What ''other'' shocks fit with Stock suspension!? or what is the lenghts? Im not near the car to measure.. and its doubtful He would take the time to remove the 'good one' and extend/compress and measure!

Being tight on the folded stuff, am hoping to give him some good news and tell him to head to pick a part and get some (EXAMPLE) Stock Patrol fronts. etc.. so whats interchangeable!?
I recall reading for a ''cheap'' lift, GU springs can be used, so I wonder if shocks would be the same!?
Has anyone else had a similar experiance with the OEM shocks breaking the shock body!?
He also has the flashing 4wd lights.. but i did search and found that fix

Mucho Gratis!
i'll go hide in the zook section now.. Thanks in advance for anyone who can shed some light!
Paj. in question..