Wow, big progress has been made since yesterday morning.
I have got some more info on the paper mache' style strengthening compound that I will elaborate on further down the track.
Will do my best to answer the following;
def90 wrote:hhmmm, looks fanterrytowellingtastic grimace!!
however i believe you may need better triangulation on the left link

i believe hubba bubba has a new product out that may increase the elasticity thus giving more flex

Thank you for your concern, preliminary testing shows the current design to be rather substantial, but we her at BOR are always looking to improve. I have forward your suggestions onto my team of poo flingin midgets that will also be handed a $400 R&D budget to further investigate the possible use of hubba bubba.
Slunnie wrote:Grimace, i'm sure you dont want to give away too many proprietry secrets, but with the paper mache, are you using Clag or high tensile flour & water for glue?
Unfortunately I can;t disclose the bonding process in depth as that is top secret. I can tell you that it does contain flour, as well as glag, ordinary water is not an option, we have to use bore water, the midgets love it.
disco_owner wrote:slunnie , I suspect Grimmie 's going to be using KAM Glue for that application ,
mate I'll be up for some 24 spline Bambo Axles and Flanges and CV's for my Truck.
Just let us know when they're going into production ....
In know way will any other manufactures product be used by Bamboo Offroad.
Bamboo axles and cvs are proving rather hard to implement into standard differential housings. We have currently scrapped the axle and cv division and are currently looking to design a third member and locking carrier that are capable of utilising the bamboo axles. We found that with standard centres, the centres (CW&P) quickly became the weak point.
The last thing we want at BOR is for customers complaining cause our orsum axles and cvs destroyed their low strength crown wheels.
We at BOR want to make sure all our kits are as complete as possible to allow them to be used to full potential.
ISUZUROVER wrote:Since it is Grimace, I suspect he may be using his own personal man-love fluid for glue...
In which case there may be some issues if production demand increases...
You know too much!
No seriously we have looked into the possibilities of increased demand and have a bio fluid that is redily available and approx 45% stronger.
I have taken some photos to show just how serious we here at BOR are about our bamboo!
First up is the trees! ow my gawd, arn't they just beautiful?

We utilise each and every component of the tree, including the leaves. You will find out why shortly.

The Black bamboo is known as Timor Black - I am very proud to have this new bamboo to toy with, preliminary test show this is best used for links and other solid components.

This is an old test pile, there is enough bamboo here to make 3 kits of links, and that was the original plan for this sample, but since the introduction of Timor Black bamboo here at BOR we have put this lot aside for use as a control sample. MORE TESTING

Ok I didn't really want to spill any of the beans about the strengthening compound but though what the heck. I am just so excited about the prospect of BOR fast becoming a leader in the offroad industry that I just cant help myself.

As you can see we utilise a large variety of compounds in our
Bamache'™ Strengthining compound, there is aloe vera hiding in there somewhere.
This is what it looks like prior to the emulsification stage. It's basically just the raw materials. It's really good stuff, I wish I could show you the finish product but as we are still finding great strength gains with each and every sample I am affraid you will all have to wait.