i'm almost complete working on the cover for the 3.5's meter. just need to make the cover for both side and have it wrapped or painted temporarily. let me know if you guys have some ideas for it.

the engine's crank oil seal was changed, new clutch plate fitted and bolted, got 6 NGK IK22 iridium spark plugs which should last for 80,000km and i sprayed the under body and chassis with black oxide paint to keep rust minimal. i can't stay for too long at the workshop today, which we're supposed to put the engine back in. so i guess it's going to be tomorrow's first on the list. i didn't change the timing belt because it only had 60,000km on it, based on the sticker at the timing belt cover. i know this is some risk i'm taking, but i'm going to run this engine for 1-2 month just to check if there's a problem with it. if everything is working fine, i'll send her in to have its engine oil changed (again) and work on the timing belt as well.
more pictures tomorrow..