I know Pete and the crew had been working flatout, and all that hard work paid off. I thought the tracks were better than last year and the facilities were fantastic as always. Recoveries using the Manitous were the fastest I've ever seen and crowd behaviour was really good.
IMHO the crowd numbers seemed down, perhaps people were turned off by the behaviour of the few morons last year. It's a pity considering the vast turnaround that occurred in 2010. I think the Police presence had a lot to do with that, and I hope that will help get plenty of families back up in 2011.
Overall, Pete's done an awesome job in his first year, and I think it'll only get better. Roll on TT 2011.

For those wondering about the DVD....
Kev and I are doing the production again this year. Expect another dual-layer DVD with as much action as we can cram on there. We've just started importing about 50 hours

FYI, instead of us both operating under the Australian Images banner now, Kev has started up KAMO Productions and he'll be doing plenty of event DVDs this year (starting with the Eastern Creek 4WD Masters) and into the future, while I'll be concentrating on stills and helping out KAMO for the big DVD productions. The KAMO DVDs will be available from all the usual suspects, including me. KAMO is also doing plenty of work on the 4WD Action/Extreme cover DVDs, so make sure you grab a copy.