i ran 37x14.5x15 on my GU for a long time.
first you have to run them at low pressure on road to get them hot or they just suck ... after that they are fine.
when racing i ran them at 20psi otherwise i kept denting the inside of the rim and really found no difference to running them at 16 in grip while racing.
debeaded the inside a few times on 9x15 mech beadlocks when i bent the rim but once you straightened up the tyre sat up and it was fine until the next corner ...never damaged a tyre, just bash the rim straight, pump up and you were ready for the next race
toughest tyre i've ever tried
pity some bastard stole em
on road i use the 4PSI rule to set pressure IE:
.Set pressure when cold
.Run for an hour at whatever load and speed you normally run at on highway
.Check pressure, less than 4PSI pressure rise from cold is too high, more than 4PSI pressure rise from cold is too low.
each car is different so you have to set the pressure to suit your own particular vehicle .. even if your mate has the same vehicle, the weights could be different
tyres always wore evenly on my vehicles using that rule
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event pics http://bigred.redbubble.com/