CV Smasher wrote:If anyone knows who the Fu__wits were that were letting off bombs or whatever they were please dob them in to TLCC. There is no need for that sort of s__t at willowglen.
Chris, you'll be happy to know this was mentioned at Sunday's driver briefing; apparently some teams/clubs helped TLCC confront some of these knobs, and when Tony thanked them there was resounding applause. Personally, I was also disgusted with the number of p!ssheads who left their empties all over the place at the day 1 events Whoever they are, they do not respect the TLCC, it's property or the competitors, and are NOT WANTED at these events.
But on a happier note..... another awesome Willowglen
Well done Tony, Mary and the rest of the TLCC crew that put it together, fantastic as always
From a navi point of view, the tracks were tops and the scoring structure was terrific. We had a few good runs, made my driver very happy

Gave us a chance to get at least to 50pts, and got us thinking about strategies. Thanks also to the marshals, I found them really consistent and good to deal with all weekend. Although Blue Mountains didn't feature up the ladder, we all had a great time despite many breakages. The camaraderie at this event is exceptional; a special thanks to the Coalfields boys who gave one of our team a rear axle that got him back in the game.
Bring on Willowglen 2011 !!!