I just bought a 100 series GXV and was curious as to if the Lexus LX470 is the same car mechanically but just has more luxury?
Please someone tell me I have done the right thing lol

From my brief research, it seems to have the same specs, but is much more luxurious with more leather and woodgrain and fridge and EBD and electric seats etc
Any advantages/disadvantages?
I want to fit a proper tow kit and bullbar - same in that way?
IS one better then the other? (for towing and 4x4)
I am guessing the suspension etc is the same?
I am also assuming the parts would be the same, as in if someone went to fix an LX470, they could order landcruiser parts and they would be the same?
If they are the same, then I guess they would both be good workhorses. Just wish I got all the extra luxury now? - Buyers remorse? lol
I guess though, the Landcruiser looks more like a real 4x4 to me, and I also guess the less electronics such as seats is better for a workhorse reliability. I also assume the cost of fixing a panel/light that is different to the landcruiser would be a lot dearer on the lexus.......