- Carbi is not holding idle properly n chewing fuel, had a mechanic friend look at it and he wound up the idle screw to get it to sit at about 1300rpm so it wouldn't cut out constantly but hes no pro on carbs n a bit of a d*ck so tries to charge mechanics wages for anything more than 5 mins work.Where can i take it to get fully rebuilt or looked at ( thats open weekends n not going to cost me a left nut ) , i want to replace it with a weber carb but funds dont permit atm.
-Next problem is the tailshaft or as i speak lack of atm, the rear uni decided to cark it and has cut into the rear shaft leaving the holes for the caps rather rounded. Ive got various quotes but $600 for new one isnt an option, would you trust the ones from a wreckers if you replace the unis ?????
-Then there is the front prop shaft, some guy pointed out to me today that it was too short and being a 2 peice that if i went over a big enough bump itd pop out, what can you use to replace this, is it a special custom job or are there 1 peices available or ??????
-Then the ball joints are leaking, id be game to try it myself but dont know how much works involved ive got basic mechanical skills but what would i need n where would i go to to replace them ???????? ive heard snake racing charge $300 for kits but they can be found for $80 at repco if you have a trade account but i dont :S
-Then the rims are locked on buy the security nuts which are now rounded after an attempt to get them off, i spoke to a tyre mob n they reckon you reckon some special nut with flanges inside to remove rounded nuts from rims any idea what this is called ?????????
-ANNNND then there is the drivers side quarter panel, ABC wreckers reckon they have "new ones" and that they haven't had any complaints about them matching up but thats a wrecker not a panel beater. Do u guys know what kind of "new pnales there on about cuase they dont and i want to do some research before i by somenthing thats going to be sketchy.
AAAANNNNNNNNNNNNDDD last problem is painting the quarter panel i have the new hilux blue on my car ( metallic paint) and want to obviously get this replacement panel matched up. Where is a good panel beaters/ painters anywhere thats open on weekends that i can take it, Im not looking for dodgey work but somewhere that wont raught me again ( i just payed $700 for a small ding to get filled and painted n it was shit work! )
AND yes this post does make me sound like the biggest tightarse since scruge himself but if i added up all the quotes im looking at nearly $2500 for the above work where as i know it can be done cheaper and i can spend my moolah on more enjoyable things like a bullbar n spotties