i was quite supprised that the event didnt get any posts here, but i know some of you might like it. i think zoltan being one of the members here that would be intrested.
all my action pics are of the main jump as thats where i was most of the day. the track was a circuit of a couple jumps, hills into dips, bog holes, turns, moguls, and was very exciting to watch. was very hard on the vehicles, with a couple drivers breaking off their front swivel hubs on the jumps
there wasnt a real need for the cars to have had thousands spent on them, some of the best performers were everyday cars like the white vitara, it actually done alright in its class. the zook with the moustache was my mates car and they came second in their class(standard), theres were three classes, bushmans, standard and open.
bushmans is nick named shit box class(and there were a few of them like my mates brothers rangie, that barely went) but others like the black hi lux that done really well. in open is where you see most of the cars that were doing the big jumps. (the red rangie took out open)