Well I finally replaced those damn idler bushes! Thanks heaps Mr. Hoult.
Noticed the difference straight away. Just about all the slackness is gone!
Murray, its pretty straight forward to replace.
1. Remove the big nut (duh)
2. Use a pinch bar or similar to GENTLY slide off the end with bushing. On the last inch it gets a bit tight because of the angle but if you continue levering it gently it will come off.
3. Remove old s**t bushing. I use a flat screw driver to unbind the sides and wd40. slid right off after that.
4. Clean all the parts before reassemling
5. Apply heaps of the grease supplied. You can always wipe off the excess after.
6. Lever idler back in place and use a soft hammer to tap back in. Tighten nut.
7. Take truck to the bush and flog the c**p out of it. then goto #1.
0-100 in 2 hrs.