.Everyone has there own veiw and are intitled to it.A lot of people are new to the comp scene and are looking at this to be there first comp.
I have just watched the vid as well and from what I have seen it looks like a full throttle type of event.
The only difference on my oppinion is that I have done enough driving and competing to know just because someone has to drive it full noise doesn't meen that that is the only way to drive it. I have crawled many obsticles that others have driven at full noise. So just cause someone doesn't agree with the way you guys drive don't shoot them down in flames. You may think you are just shooting Tim down but you may have scared many more off from giving it a go. Show some encouragment for them to come and give it a go You want to get all types of cars and drivers there that is how the comp will grow.There aren't enough buggies to make a buggy only comp so getting more people to give it a go will lead into more buggies been built.
Dave and I will be up there with at least one truck hopefully 2 and we will bothe give our all to entertain and show you throttle jockies how to drive.
I would not have had a go at anyone if they didn't have a go first!!!
LIKE i have said millions of times before ROCK CRAWLING is great because it allows for different styles of rigs and different style of driving!!!!!!!! I have been and always will be happy to see any form of Rock Crawling!
When someone has a GO at ME about the way the i drive i have a go back!
No as far as encouraging other people to have a go i will tell you this!
As this is the first event and like i said right from the start there will only be one class, i will not encourage someone that is going to get hammered on the first stage!!!
Now i do not and will not ENCOURAGE someone that has NEVER COMPETED AT A ROCK CRAWLING EVENT OR COMPETED AT ALL to just jump in the deep end and take on the most challenging terrain ever competed on!!!!!!
To me encouraging someone to do that is just down right STUPID (and dangerous)
I think if i allowed this, it would SCARE more people off than me telling them the truth and HOW ITS going to be!
Also i can gaurantee you that if i did not tell people HOW HARD this will be and HOW BIG these rock faces are and HOW likely the chance of rolling is And HOW likely it is that you WILL have to use more than 1500 RPM than after the event i would not hear the end of it!
I would much prefer that a lot of people that are interested in competeing at this event to maybe come along and have a look at the first one! If you like what you see than come back for the second. It is much better than someone turning up and then realising that they have bitten off more than they can chew and then whinge like a biatch because i did not tell them that some use of the throttle will be required!
SAM i will always encourage some one to give it a go BUT i will NOT encourage them to BITE OFF more than they can chew!!!!