Strange Rover wrote:Just to try and clear up a few things about the saftety of these buggies. Jamies comments are totally correct (and why Danial said "And Jamie I aint even gunna waste my time replyin toyour comments ..........." I have no idea - and I guess neither does Danial). The buggy frames are very stiff and the plastic seat is hard mounted to this frame so that we do get a bit of jaring through the seat. We have all noticed this in the tube buggies and we have been talking about getting better seats for a while (we almost put one in the Budgie but ran out of time).
The issue about Adrians roof getting dented is also another valid point. I think in the PUOSU rules there is a minimum thickness for the roofs (something like 3mm AL or 1.6mm steel) that we should all be following. Bracing isnt the issue here - Adrians frame hasnt been distorted at all (although it does have a few dents in it) and neither was Rods for that matter.
I wasnt goin to reply to Jamies comments because there was n injury occured at the event yet Jamie stated there wasnt i wasnt goin to argue the point any further ..................
And i was referin to the roof section NOT the FRAME ...... ..... with how you guys up there are expandin the sport i would hate to have som1 seriously injured in a comp like this and then risk the likelyness of these style comps not being a regular attraction AROUND australia.....
I was in no way baggin the design otha than if the roof did get dented in enough to say hit ther drivers head that maybe a few diagonal bracin supports would help overcome which may be a very serious injury more so stop any rocks protrudin far enough in to be a concern or cause injury ........
And yes im sure the plastic solid mounted seats transmit every bump ......and in turn ova a long weekend of competin by the followin days im sure u know about it .....which by the sounds is POS's case .....
I understand y youse are all defendin each other and the amounts of safety that youse have included in the design ....u all want this style of comp to take off n dont get me wrong so do i ............ the more events to spectate whether it be in person or ova the net by viewin the pics n vids on OUTERLIMITS the betta ...........
I have neva under-estimated that youse up there can build badass rigs /buggies aswell as back up with some awesome drivin ability ....the lockless / Jekyll/ and now the budgie are all examples of a new buggy to tkae out n event at its maiden voyage ............
opologise if my first intial post seemed as tho i was havin a go at you guys ..........aS I DIDNT MEAN FOR IT TO COME OVA THAT WAY i was just tryin to add that this may rectify the prob of eva happenin again........ well wat i thought caused Adrians back prob

.....and that as i stated i thought i had read somewhere that it was mentioned that there was no injuries at this event ............