The Interco "Trxus Mud Terrain" and "Swamper LTB" are two new tyres that look like they would be awesome tyres for utes / smaller 4bs. These tyres look like they might shake up the <34" tyre market. Sidewalls are also constructed along normal interco standards and will be much more resistant to sidewall damage than MT/Rs and BFGs.
The Trxus mud looks like a great subsitute for the MT/R and BFG mudder and would probably be great onroad as well as every bit as good offroad as these tyres.
LTBs are among the chunkiest 34" tyre available on the market with a softer compound than the rest of the TSL range...
I have it under good authority that Steve at will be trialling the Trxus mudder on his GU over the coming months and a comprehensive review will be added to his site... (Sorry for spilling the beans Steve...)
Here are some pics:
Trxus Mud: