Spend some more time exploring this board, and read a few of the other threads on auto-lockers vs switched lockers (ARB or other...)
There's a significant number of highly experienced 4wders on this board who have had autolockers, and didn't like the steering compromises. Even some who have posted in this thread have had autolockers in the front of their vehicles for significantly longer than you have, and experienced problems with their steering.
You've had yours for ... 1 month? Yeah, OK, I'll believe you over everybody else. Oh, oops, I forgot - I've got a $1200 airlocker. Silly me...
With this statement YOUR claiming that all autolockers have adverse affects with their steering. I’ve also read lots of posts (from this board and others) that Lokkas have proved their worth (
not detroits). I’m not disputing the fact that in all situations LOKKAS may not perform. What I am saying is that there is a valid alternative instead of spending $1900 (which I was quoted) for an ARB for my Pajero. I wouldn't spend this type of money on a locker. If I were more wealthy I would consider it, but since I’m not, I won't.
Ok then try this, put it in 4Hi (centre diff unlocked) and go for a drive on a main road from a standing start.
If you don't change lanes with every gear change (especially the lower gears) there's something wrong. With each gear change the steering wheel wants to rip out of your hand.
In this mode on a gravel/dirt road under power or a gear change you cannot tell me you notice no difference at all ???
Yes, I do notice a difference in steering; a slight heaviness back to centre but with power steering this is only a minor thing. I will endeavour to try the jack test though.
Try not to be a dick on your 5th post and tell us how much you know and how much we don't.
I’m attempting to counteract all the ARB cohorts and if that means telling a few facts & coming off more superior, well, so be it. By the way, this is my fourth post.