Now I know cheezy and I could have done it with less points if I!!!!!!!!!!! thought about a few things more, like less stops and less reversing but the way I looked at it was I tried this on day 1 and we DNF`d both stage 2 and 3. On day 2 I decided to not worry about these things and just get on with the job of finishing the course within the time, we finished all 3 stages so I am happy with the way we did things. I decided to do this mainly because it was a new rig, new scoring system, different event and tracks then what both cheezy and I are used to so I think we had enough to worry about without trying to save 2 or 3 points here and there.
I also know I stuffed up afew times here and there with where I put the locked cheezy monster like stage 2 day 1, I put him back wards about 1 inch to far and we payed the price. Also write at the end of stage 3 day 2, I misunderstood the 3 wheels between the cones thing and stuffed around and copped afew more reversing points then we needed to, but hay I`m certain I`m not the only one over the weekend that lernt heeps about werock, sam included.
Two things about the event I really loved,
1, having the 1st stage of each day the easiest out of them as it really helps with letting you wake up and get settled in to the days action.
2, the safety ropes, I have never seen this happen at an event before and often thought if somebody rolls here they could possibly roll over and over and over before they would come to a stop. These safety ropes are the best safety thing I have ever seen at a comp and think more comps should have them in place.
As for the scoring system, its a new event so its new to all of us including the event organisers. This is mainly what I think this year of werock is for, for EVERYBODY involved to learn so that when the yanks are coming over here to compete it is up to their standard of events and are not turned off coming back again and again and again.
As for outside assistance, you normaly don`t here anything while on the cousre as you are working that hard it is like everything is silent other then the rig and the driver (if he yells at ya). But as Sam has pointed out he made a boo boo and missed that ruling. Maybe spectators need to be fully warned as they come in the gate they can be kicked out of the event for yelling at the teams what to do.
Cheezy and I lernt alot more about working together as a team and I think come tuff truck we will be excelent as a team.
Now I need to thank
Cheezy, thanks for asking me to spot.

but your still a bitch
Sam thanks for giving us the buggy for the event it realy was a weekend I will not forget

. Also thank you heeps for letting me drive it after the event

. It realy has started to make me rethink what I am going to do once my hilux is back on the road.
POS thanks for cocking breaky each morning it was yummy

, oh and you are nothing like I thought you would be, to which I am shore you think the same back.
Last but not lest Ruff and Kate, you guys realy are tops

. You not only rang me heeps in the week before to let us know what was happening you also lent us your rangie, showed us the way to sams place, helped get the buggy ready, feed us orsome food, stopped at the 1st pub on the way home just so I could get more cans

, gave us a bed and use of a shower sunday night

you also went with another night of not much sleep so that you could go miles and miles outer your way to drop us back at the airport monday morning

If and when you are ever down this way my house and everything I own is there for you to use

and I don`t think I can thank you guys enough for the effort and amount you helped us over the weekend.
That`ll do for now but I`m certain I`ll have more later on