I hope these guys come down to TTC because last TTC we were the Yobos and this time we are competing so i hope they can Gee the crowd up as well as we did

Moderator: evanstaniland
POS wrote:Gibbon TSAM wrote:i think i got it but have 5 hours of footage to go through so i have to find it.
So when are we going to see some of this Footage??? Or at least some more Pics!!!!
Strange Rover wrote:
One thing that is becoming more important very quickly is how good the rigs look. If you want to get coverage in the mags or in the videos then if you have a really good looking rig thats painted in bright colours (ie not black or dark blue for example) then you will have a lot better chance of getting your rig out there. The better our rigs look then the better this sport will look to prospective sponsors and the better for everyone.
So, looking forward to Round 2. Should be in NSW close to Sydney and date and venue should be announced next week.
Strange Rover wrote:Anybody keen to have a go at this (PM me). You need to have a flexable job to allows time off, a fair idea of what these rigs are capable of and a real thinking brain that can work out how shifting a cone a foot each way can make a huge difference on how the course works. If I could run these courses again there would be a few cones I would move by a foot to make some of the gates easier/harder. I think if somebody is really keen and has the ability to do the job I would build them a buggy so they would be able to test some of the lines - given that you probably need a tow rig also although I could supply one of these as well.
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