After having mechanic problems i`ve decided that im not wasting my money again and am doing this myself

I`ve had what i thought was excess play in my steering for a while ,took it to my local mechanic who said i needed to renew my drag link internals (which i paid him to do) now its been about 2 months and the excessive play has come back again,so while i replacing my glow plugs thought i`d stick my head around and have a look.Well i soon found the problem,i`ll try to explain it as best i can and if anyone can help with advice that would be great.
It appears that where the draglink and steering arm meet ,the ball joint type of thing seems to be cracked thru(in the photo im talking about where it loops around the back of the shockie) it also appears the have a bead of weld around the top,its this normal or from a previous repair you think.
So what im wondering is could i just re weld over the crack or should i try to find a second hand steering arm ????
Also any hints on how to do it ,by the looks it wont be too hard so im willing to give it ago

Anyone in Newcastle got 1 they want to sell.