Firstly I really want to thank everybody that was there for this event, I think it really was a big step forward for the sport with lots of new competitors and spectators. Id especially like to thank Kate and Bec (better halves of Tony and Adrian) for their efforts and Dan and Dave for their course judging which allowed me to chase up stuff that i should have done before hand. Big thanks to Mick Garner for giving me a hand everywhere (and now if I could only convince him to do it all so I could compete

). Really glad to have the whole Keck family on board on this one and thanks to Sam Keck for making this all happen - would have been impossible to make this all happen without them.
Im still learning lots about how to setup the courses and i tried to do a few things a bit differently. Some things worked well and some things didnt work so well but more on this later.
The drives that really stood out for me were-
Peter Antunac - incredible how competitive with such a massive machine. And it wasnt like he just crawled around everywhere - he really had to work hard. To me there was probably half a dozen times when I though he was going to roll. Amazing how Pete was able to use the rear steer to get the lined he needed. When Pete finally builds himself a buggy he is going to be very very hard to beat cause the fawker can drive.
NAM - loved the way he drove. Really effective and really entertaining. And would have a crack at anything. Probably the only person to use more throttle was Tom...
Tom - for showing us what pure hammer down throttle attacks can achieve. Tom was one of 2 rigs to drive the bonus line on A2 (second course down the gully on Saturday) and he also drive the straight shoot line up the double steped climb on A3 which again was only driven by one other (although a few other rigs completed the climb by realigning after taking the bottom cone)
Adrian - for showing us why moonbuggies are just so good. If his rig didnt play up so badly he would have probably won by over 60 points. If more of these things turn up then we will really have to split the classes into modified (front engined 2 seater) and super modified (everything else) cause this machine is just so much better at everything its not funny.
Tony - for his drive on the last bonus course - only competitor to complete the obstacle. And just thinking about it probably uses more throttle than Tom.
Shane - for bringing along the firetruck. Bloody awesome rig. Definately a wolf in sheeps clothing. And I love them dana 60s.
Cheezy - for clearing all the mud off the bonus climb on B2 and making it easier for everybody else.