alien wrote:with the 1.6L, weber and extractors... after a 15km or so drive, when the motor gets up to temp, you can literally cook an egg on my passengers side wheel arch/footwell... g/f has accidentaly put a toe on it now and then and got some pretty nasty burns!
can you get me a pic of how this heat sheild works? might be a good investment!! hehe
I can't get a recent pic , but its basically an alloy checker plate shield, now with cement sheet (fibro, whatever)added to it ...its bolted to the underside floor and partially up the firewall with spacers for an air gap.
I ain't got any older pix either, never thought anyone would want to see it

the trick is to create an air gap between exhaust and the floor with a sheet of something heat proofish.
Sierras have them standard, mine does anyway, but probably need more with extractor heat.
mine gets warm enuff to heat my luch, and/or make my drinks too warm..christover