yeh bleed the air out.
also check the vacuum line going from the booster to the motor for vacuum leaks.....
any fluid leaks wont help the cause....
also i have replaced both my master cylender with a new one and my brake booster with a fully recoed one and have never had brake problems since, i have new wheel cylenders pads and shoes also...
they work fine this is y i havent gone rear disk conversion as the new parts in my system work well enough..
the last CHEAP option u have to check is the rear brake shoes.
if there is alot wear in the shoes u will get huge amounts of soft pedal.
check ur rear shoes, if they are good, then tighten them up with a bent screwdriver until the wheel studs to get tight to spin ( on jack ) then back it off just enough to not get any pad interferance.
test ur pedal after this and the brake bleed and see how u go. this has happened to me before