Just to help some of you guys out, heres what they are trying to talk about.
Comp Spec Tyres have been around in America for quite a few years now. They are more often than not just a "Softer" Compound than the standard tyre.
The Comp Spec tyres should really be refered to as RockCrawling Comp Tyres, as they are not suited to many other events. A set of Red Label Krawlers would be Destroyed within half a Day running in the Outback Challenge or similar event. The Comp Spec tyres are designed to obtain maximum grip and therefore are very soft, hitting a stick at 100 k's plus will just destroy them.
Now most Comp Spec tyres are really just manufactured for Competitors of Rockcrawling events in mind and also mainly focused on the USA Market.
So here in OZ it is going to be very hard to obtain ANY Comp Spec tyre for any price.
I have only ever seen (in pictures) one set of "Red Label MTR" ever been used, that is by Walker Evans. It is known fact that they are Red Labels and a lot softer than the standard MTR (Same Tread pattern). The yellow lables would be specifically designed for Desert racing and most likly a different comound again that would suit high speeds.
Maxxis has only JUST started supplying American HIGH PROFILE competitors with the TREPIDOR Comp spec Tyre.
Toyo has also issued comp spec tyres to One or two competitors.
BFG of course have the "RED Label Krawler" which has been around and in use for a few years and is the main tyre of the USA Scene, however a few of the others are now getting on track with there comp tyres. The BFG is issued to American Competitors who have to contact a particular person to obtain a set for the year.
Mickey Thompson was one of the first to produce a Comp spec tyre, it is a copy of the Claw but uses one of the Drag tyre compound. However the bad news here is that M/T have discontinued making any Comp Spec tyre

and they never produced a 40 inch Comp tyre only a 37 and i think 35.
To be totally honest i cannot see ANYONE in OZ getting sponsored or even obtaining a discount on any COMP spec Tyre (except me thanks M/T

WHY its simple, the companies above invest heaps of $$$$ into developing and producing the "COMP TYRES" and in return they know that they will get maybe 300,000 or even more people (threw Media coverage) in america that will see that RIG win on their tyres and therefore want to buy what is winning.
However here in OZ we would be lucky if 20000 people saw any media regarding what tyres the winner of WEROCK was driving. When Rockcrawling in Australia is up there and getting plenty of coverage in Australia and overseas then we may see these companies slipping cheap or free tyres this way.
At the moment you just have to TRY and buy them at what ever it cost to get them.
At the moment there is only ONE Set of Comp spec tyres in OZ (in use)

however i am sure there will be more here in the next few months