go team "T T Challenge"

Moderator: evanstaniland
I'm feeling pretty buggered now. But had an awesome weekendBIG GQ wrote:Thanks again also to the navis Darren, Chris, Grant, Chris2 and Ian. These guys quite often do not get the recognition that they deserve but continued to bust their arse all weekend for us
I get frightened when Darren shares my tent....BIG GQ wrote:And I would like to find the person that left the present for me on my chair.
As you can imagine I would like to find out who left it so I can personally thank them
Have to agree, We would love to catch them in the actRangie Wrecker wrote:I would like to say a bigon behalf of Bega Road Wrecking Racing for a great weekend. Fantastic fun playing in the muk and mess.
As BIG GQ would like to find the guy who left the "Present" on his chair we would like to find the mug that thought it was funny to set the hubs on Steve's 60 series to FREE just before we went into the gorge on Saturday night. Might have made more than a little bit of difference to our time.
Can't believe there are a$$holes out there doing that kind of thing. Please tell us who you are you gutless wonders.
Far too much of this sort of crap happening at comps lately. Also had it happen to me twice last year. What makes this suckRangie Wrecker wrote: would like to find the mug that thought it was funny to set the hubs on Steve's 60 series to FREE .
just run drive flangesbig red wrote:we have painted the hubs to make it easier to see if they have been unlocked but i reckon if you cheat to win then you haven't won at all.
I would rather lose and be proud of our effort!!
Good one Steve...now we will get a penalty for leaving gear on the course. But seriously getting back to the hubs I doubt it would have made any difference if the hubs had fluro pink stripes painted on them, as it was dark and hosing down with rain so I doubt we would have noticed.oozuk wrote:If anybody saw a GME handheld UHF on any of the courses ied love it back please i has S.Browitt engraved on the back side of it
and i'ed really apreciate it returned if anybody has found it .
I'm thinking it fell out of my pocket on a stage.....
It did on sunday!Area54 wrote:hhhhmmm, this rain will turn the place into a giant skid pan...
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