Not bad going Muz,
I hope your not going to try and beat my 3 cv's in one day now
Ok here goes,
1. Remove your wheel
2. Remove the little socket head cap screws from the hub making sure its disengaged first.
3.Take off the "c" clip off the spline.
4. Remove the split pins and un-do the bolts from the steering linkage, top and bottom control arms.
5. get a decent size hammer and knock down on the control arms and steering linkage so as to break the tapper lock. You will have to put a good size block of wood under the bottom control arm conecting to the hub or it will just bounce and absorb the shock from the hammer. Definately DO NOT KNOCK THE UNDER SIDE OF THE BOLT UP EVEN WITH THE NUT ON otherwise you won't get the nut back on and stuff the thread totally.
6. Once all bolts are free and out of the way the hub will drop down. Support the hub square with the diff and pull it out. The inner cv will come out and you should be also able to push through the outer cv back through the hub with a screw driver.
7. Get the new cv and put the inner cv in first. It may take a little bit getting it into the spline of the diff. You will have to either give it a sharp push into the diff or give it a light tap in from the other end of the spline, square to the diff. Once its in twist it around and make sure your other cv shaft is turning.
8.Next lift the hub up and put the cv outer spline through it.
9. Connect the bolts and do up the nuts and line up the groove for the split pin.
10. Using one of your bolts from the hub screw it into the outer shaft spline and usine long nose pliers pull it through the hub centre and put the "c" clip back on. You will need small flat screwdrivers for this and or another person - maybe.
11. Put your hub back on and lock both sides up and turn the wheels round just to test.
Best of luck it can and ussually is a prick of a job first time round

. Allow about 2 hrs, I think thats what it took me but after a while I got it down to 25 min
Any dramas just give me a call
Mark Hoult