OK my first comment is "YOU SUCK"
Now before i get hammered for picking on a NEWBIE have a look where he lives!
MMMMmm about a 30 minute drive to LCMP!!!!!!!!!!! (Bastard

Sorry i just think your pretty lucky thats all!
Anyway back on the subject!
There are a few kits available but are quite expensive!
Most of the Kits usually offer lifts in 2 inch progressions 2", 4", 6".
You will find that it a lot of people will suggest a solid axle swap, but since its a NEW rig that is not a very viable option!
If you just want to lift it slightly to increase your ground clearnce then don't get to carried away with the height, i would only go 2 inches other wise it will just get to top heavy!
Also if it brand new i would be very careful of the warrenty! Toyota would do a after market suspensin kit for it but NOT a LIFT KIT!!!!