dobbins had dug away the huge big lump of dirt on the 10 point mark that stopped most of the competitors on friday night and that only left an undermud ledge to get up at the end of that bog hole.
the mog dozed that into a ramp so it was easier after that.
BB was a bit unlucky as he hit the right hand bank and bounced across into the big wheel rut under the mud on the left hand side which forced him up the left bank and tipped him over.
I was filming and thought he was going to jump the left bank and just about crapped myself as i took off like a scalded cat ... dunno how much i captured of it [or what words were said

we were camped across from the mud run and didn't see any track mods apart from dozing some of the mud away from the side of the mud hole so we could film without standing in ankle deep slop.