Sorry for the highjack

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Haynes are a good GUIDE; but just that i wouldn't trust them as gospel. Definately interesting that they even give it a mention though.fnqcairns wrote:Came across this in my Haynes repair manual for a patrol TD4.2
"Petrol in fuel (diesel) up to 30%, isn't usually noticable. At higher ratios , the engine may deveop a knock-ing noise which will get louder as the ratio increases"
Nowhere does it say that damage will occur nor does it say no damage will occur either.
cheers fnq
In the colder parts of europe it is very common to mix petrol with diesel in diesel cars during winter - to prevent waxing or freezing problems, and to make it still possible to start the engine. Most places they only go up to 30%, but in the depths of places like siberia, 50:50 is not uncommon in the middle of winter when it is -40 or -50 outside. Of course at these temperatures the petrol is a lot more viscous.fnqcairns wrote:Came across this in my Haynes repair manual for a patrol TD4.2
"Petrol in fuel (diesel) up to 30%, isn't usually noticable. At higher ratios , the engine may deveop a knock-ing noise which will get louder as the ratio increases"
Nowhere does it say that damage will occur nor does it say no damage will occur either.
cheers fnq
RUFF wrote:Beally STFU Your becoming a real PITA.
We used to mix toluene (or methyl benzine as it was known back then) in our fuel for our 2 stroke flat track bikes and later on when I switched to road racing. I forget the ratio but something like 10 - 20%. It was supposed to increase the octane rating of the fuel. Ahh they were the good old days .. I can remember a little servo at the intersection of Footscray Rd and Barkley St .. used to sell avgas from the pump ... all the hot cars would be fueled from there. I think that is illegal now isn't it?DAMKIA wrote:Use of toluene was banned in servos a while ago, caused serious damage to engines (burnt valves, cat converter). The servos did it because it was a cheap way of "stretching" the petrol and ppl didnt notice a tank of anything up to 25% straight toluene occasionally, but those that go their fuel from the one place every week ended up in the sh*t. Toluene is a benzene derivative, IIRC acetone isn't, but may have similar effects to the engine.
It will be a 65L tank if standard.justinshere wrote:So i have a 2.8D Lux non-turbo with 225000 on the clock. Its the standard 70L(ish) tank.
I know im due to get the injectors clean...
Would you reccomend dropping a few litres of unleaded in the tank?
Do u use normal unleaded or premiun...?
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