Whilst the monoforms have been fine for me, they are a real pig on the road, always out of balance, even though I've had it done a few times. Can put up with it if venturing close by, say Toolangi etc, but as most of my 4wding is in the H/C, 2-3 hrs of teeth vibrating etc on the black stuff is no longer that enjoyable

Looking at 285/75/16, probably MTR's, but am concerned a little about how much they will rub. Whilst the monoforms are 31.3, the MTR's are 32.8, it maybe too big a change, as I have a tiny bit of rubbing when on full lock. Have had suspension lift/torsion bar cranked etc, but will not be going down the bodylift Rd.
So what do you learned mitshibushi goys think, will they fit without any major rubbing. I know all the cons with speedo/fuel etc. Any advice/suggestions appreciated.
Allan Mac