i've had some noise developing under the feroza for the past 3-4 weeks, sounds like the clinking together of 2 metal surfaces. popped into pedders today for a $14 28 point suspension check. i was pretty confident that they'd find more than just a rattle underneath. i'm guessing that the "check" is a means to generate some work for themselves (no offence to any mechanics out there), and this is what they've come up with;
*rattling is shocks RH side, quoted for new VRD shocks
*leafs very dry, needs rebuild
*bushes very dry, inspect on dismantle
quoted $650 parts and labour for the above work. how's all that sound??
also on the report, but not included in the quote, is written;
*driveshafts moving in hubs
which the guy said would cost approx $300 to remove and refit, just to have a look. does this sound like a major problem??
any points of view would be much appreciated...
also grabbed an over the phone quote for a total engine rebuild, only made 1 call, haven't looked around at all, or looked at other options. was just curious as i'm going through 1L of oil every 800kms or so, not really blowing smoke, no coolant in oil or vice versa, engine a little wet in places but no oil puddles under car. loss of power and oil usage mainly. 115ks/hr at 4000 rpm dies in the arse going up any sort of a hill and have to down shift, otherwise goes well... quote $2800, 12mths and unlimited kms warranty, i almost choked on my wheat bix when he said the price.
how's that sound??? (apart from sh*t that is...