Standard Feroza batteries are a tiny NS40 at only 280CCA . The battery tray is larger (longer) than the NS40 and gives the option of upgrading to a larger battery with more grunt.
After shopping around a bit I found a few options:
1. Optima Yellow Top D51 (~$300) 500CCA and I think requires battery terminals changed to large style. Two year warranty.
2. Supercharge Gold MF55B24R Calcium 430CCA, small size terminals and 30 month warranty.
3. ABI Calcium NS60 (~$80) 450CCA, small size terminals and 36 month warranty. (calcium models not listed on website)
I bought the ABI NS60 Calcium model from a local battery shop- couldn't go past it considering the price and the three year warranty.
The NS60 is not commonly stocked, but is available. A few places were trying to flog to me more commonly available (but smaller capacity) batteries with the larger terminals saying they would just fit some new terminals to the wiring loom....