Wild Rock is being set up and run by Oz Rock and Maitland Districts 4wd Clubs. with plenty of big names involved including 2 TTC winners......take a geuss
Wild rock will be held over one day with 2 classes of vehicles. there will be several stages and teams of 2 running each stage. There will be a time out, and breaking bunting will incer a time out, but self recovery, back and fills etc will only incure penalties. Should you time out or fail to proceed on any stage you will be permitted to proceed to the next stage.
All clubs can register interest by visiting the web site or emailing wildrock@wildrock.info we are allowing 50 teams of 2 at this stage and allready have interest from over 25 teams
We will update OL as more info become available
Adam, Grant & Jarrod

EDIT:- please not the new date, due to Mothers day being on the previous date

Please forward expresions of interest to wildrock@wildrock.info ALL Affiliated clubs with a current insurence policy Aus wide are welcome.
If you have paid to attend the old date and due to other committments are unable to attend please ask your club secretary to email or mail a request for a refund on the entry fees