Hey all,
Just sitting here wondering what these few plugs are supposed to connect to under my bonnet/hood, in case they're important

Firstly, we have a 2-wire blue plug on the exhaust-side of the firewall, to the left of the green diagnostic plug - I can't see what its meant to go to, maybe someone can help. Click the images for larger version

Secondly, we have a single plug with a yellow wire, hanging at the rear of the engine, above the bellhousing on the exhaust side - I'm hoping this isn't to my coolant-temp sensor (?).

Lastly, 3 things I'm unsure of in one place: located behind the passenger-side headlight. A 2-wire brown oval-shaped plug, a large white plastic 10-pin connector and 3 red wires with varying colours on them (which a previous owner has cut and taped together).

2 of 3 ID'd: Brown plug is A/C Pressure switch, 10-pin connector is to A/C Pump
Any ideas? Thanks in advance to any replies, and perhaps others have some "odd wires" they need help ID'ing - ask here.
Cheers guys,