Okay finally got it running today.What a biatch. We had dramas getting it to run for the last three weeks we have been chasing the right diagram to work out why.
We could get it to crank and fire but wouldn't run.
When we fitted the engine we used a Vitara cam so we could run the right angle drive disi.All seemed okay.When we tried to start it we could only get 4 pulses from the ignitor .
We tried different disi's ignitors power supplies everything.
Even the plug on the Baleno loom matched the vit disi.
Decided to go out to Suzisport and have a look at another one out there that they had.
Went through all the wiring everything was spot on.
Decided as a last resort to have a look inside the standard disi.After we had already decided it must be the same inside as Vit.
Took the cap off all looked the same then

I noticed there was an extra tooth on the shaft. It was a TDC reading for the Computer.
As the computer does all the timing map as well it needed this signal.
Ended up building one disi out of the 2 and low and behold it runs.
Bigsteve Suzisport were selling the whole conversion for just under $2000
Big thanks to Micheal and the boys at Suzi sport for all the help.