Thanks for the offer of a navi guys. Me and angry were going to navi for eachother but this would free us up to really concentrate on what we are doing.
The request for cameramen is still open, as i'd really like to make a DVD of the event. If i get a chance I'll be going around and chatting to the entrants on camera and asking about their vehicles. If anyone doesn't want to participate or be on cam then just let me know, it's no drama's.
With a bit of luck I'd like to see a few cars getting air on cam

If anyone is taking Hi Resolution digital photography on the day, I'd be interested in getting copies to integrate into the video. All pics will be credited in the video. If anyone else is taking a handy cam that uses MiniDV tapes i'd love to grab some of your footage, again all video used will be credited.
should be a good event
I'm starting to get a little worried about the sound of a vertical winch at the end of a 300meter hill

But it's all good, i guess i'll just have to assess it when i get there. Some of these tracks sound damned hard